General Notes:

Gestalt Psychologists statistically analysed controlled experiments and generated a set of principles describing the human perceptual mechanism. Within this project, the model has been unified further than done by the Gestalt, and it has been combined with considerable swaths of other theories.

The first inhabitants of the land were mainly graphic designers.

The Gestalt were widely known for creating "optical illusions" demonstrating their model of perception. You will find some examples in (Fletcher, 1995).

The Gestalt stated that the perceptual process is directly influenced by the expectations of the user. More popularly this is thought of as "The whole is greater than the sum of the parts."

Much of the work in computer vision and computer cognition is based on models and observations of analogous human systems.


Fletcher, M., Information and Graphic Design Tutorial, University of Waterloo, 1995.
Discusses the Gestalt and their Theories as they Relate to Information and Graphic Design

Ballinger, R., Layout and Graphic Design, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 1970.

Berryman, G., Notes on Grapic Design and Visual Communication, revised edition, William Kaufmann, Incorporated, Los Altos, 1984.

Crozier, R., Manufactured Pleasures: Psychological responses to design, Manchester University, New York, 1994.

Dondis, D., A Primer of Visual Literacy, MIT Press, Cambridge, 1973.

Myers, J., The Language of Visual Art: Perception as a basis for design, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Incorporated, Toronto, 1989.

Parker, R., The Make-Over Book: 101 design solutions for desktop publishing, Ventana Press, Incorporated, Chapel Hill, 1989.

Prak, N. L., The Language of Architecture: A contribution to architectural theory, Mouton, Paris, 1968.

Scruton, R., The Aesthetics of Architecture, Methuen, London, 1979.

Solso, R., Cognition and the Visual Arts, Bradford, Cambridge, 1994.

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