General Notes:

The feature-based model of pattern recognition is based on an abstract template. The template describes the common attributes of elements that "match" the pattern. Although there are other models of pattern recognition, most are considerably more esoteric (including ones based on the movement of the eye determining the pattern that is recognised).

(Solso, 1994, p129-55)

Although we don't stress it much in this project, the weighting of elements is considered an extremely important part of the perceptual process, as the weighting of elements will often determine an "hierarchy" of elements within the perceptual field. For a more in-depth look at this, see (Fletcher, 1995)

It is not clear whether more complex patterns are recognised as a single unit, or whether the perceptual system merely becomes faster at recognising the component parts of the more complex pattern. The net result in either case is that the higher-level pattern is more quickly recognised as it becomes familiar.


Hale, J., The Old Way of Seeing, Houghton, Mifflin, New York, 1994.
The Loss of Pattern-based Ordered Architecture

Alexander, C., et al, A Pattern Language, Oxford University Press, New York, 1977.

Alexander, C., The Timeless Way of Building, Oxford University, New York, 1979.
System based on The Pattern Language

Auxiliary Elements for document
Part of Toolboxes and Treasure-chests.