Dialectics and Contradictions

Dialectics and contradictions are assumed to be incomplete. There is no promise of a solution. Often such a solution is explicitly denied to goad the user on. The user has to transcend the game. They have to redefine their understanding of some element, or even their entire environment, if they are to succeed in the game. The new understanding is seen to "rise" from the interactions and definitions of their elements.

Normally a dialectic or contradiction is presented as minimally as possible. This allows more of the user's understanding of the environment to be brought into the problem, giving them more latitude for finding a resolution that matches the situation.

The creator normally has to recognise a contradiction before they can include one in their work. Once they have recognised such a logical inconsistency, they can include it in their design by including the elements in question and highlighting the points of contention for the user. The creator may or may not have transcended and solved the problem for themselves.

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Document Name: tc.play.mystery.unsolvable.htm
Copyright (c) 1997 -- Mike Fletcher
Reproduction for other than personal use prohibited without express written permission from the author.