Human and Animal Forms and Features

Organic Patterns

Human and animal forms are common in our environment, so we tend to be good at recognising and discriminating among them. The active elements in our environment have to be readily and properly identified if we are to cope with them properly. The ability to readily recognise organic forms aids in; hunting and avoiding predators, "reading" a person's face, picking a mate out in a crowd, and being able to correctly respond to beer adds.

Organic patterns tend toward balance and regularity, which tends to make their recognition faster and easier. This ease of recognition, however, might be a product of the balance and regularity of organic forms over history, as our perceptual systems have evolved to support the environments in which we live. Organic forms tend to have complex and subtle associations for the user, as the user's experiences with them have generally been extensive. For this reason, predicting the user's reaction to a particular form is often imprecise.

Recognition of animals in foliage/food in wilderness/mates in crowds.

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Document Name: tc.immed.tooth.htm
Copyright (c) 1997 -- Mike Fletcher
Reproduction for other than personal use prohibited without express written permission from the author.