
What is depth?

Depth is the creation of something more than what is required or minimal.

Depth is something that seems arbitrary, but which you are sure has some reason.

Depth is the hidden, the unclear, the difficult, the different.

Depth is abundance and sometimes refinement.

Depth is theatre and ritual.

Depth is meaning.

Depth is play.

Where does it fit in?

Depth is often the frustration of need, the need to know, the need to understand, even the need to accomplish a task.

Depth is an unknown force in our environment, or a smug feeling of knowing and comfort.

Depth is the lack of information, the missing puzzle-piece, removed to move the user.

Depth is an appeal to the senses, a riot of exploration, and sometimes a hint of sublime realisation.

Depth is connection and shared experience, knowledge that binds those who experience it.

Depth is the hidden pattern revealed, the idea found, the reality discovered.

Why are we attracted to depth?

We must understand our environment, that we might cope, this we know.

Depth confounds our needs, denies understanding, induces anxiety.

Depth explored is a safety, we know, we belong, we are safe.

Depth is the mark of the human, a mind frozen in play.

Depth is the maze of minds, the labyrinth of meaning.

Depth is sensuality of thought, of feeling, of hope and loss.

Depth is the sublime, the delicate, the powerful, the raw.

How do we create depth?

This is discussed in the generators and organisers section of the treasure-chest. You should probably finish reading the toolbox before heading over there. Also, a major part of the creation of depth is the process of play. Play has its own gallery within Toolboxes and Treasure-chests.

Homepage Up Table of Contents
Previous References Next
The Two Valleys
Deep Body
Deep Thought
Faking Depth
A Crisis of Creation (Maybe)
There's Complexity for You
Here's Complexity for Us
Questions of Consistency
Questions of Judgement and Subtlety
Purification and Beauty in Simplicity
Of Crime
Suggestive geometry
Abstract Art

Document Name: tb.depth.htm
Copyright (c) 1997 -- Mike Fletcher
Reproduction for other than personal use prohibited without express written permission from the author.